In November 2024, CINI Australia’s Secretary of the Board, Jaswinder Walia and his wife, Raj, visited our dedicated programs in Kolkata, West Bengal, including CFC, Ujjan, IICCHAA, and Sponsor a Mother and Her Child. They met senior staff, visited shelters, and interacted with children and adolescents supported by CINI. The visit, filled with love and dedication, left a lasting impact on Raj and Jaswinder. This is their story…
Dear Friend of CINI Australia,
As you are aware, we had the wonderful pleasure of visiting two charities in Kolkata in November 2024. The first was Ruma Abedona Hospice, which cares for the terminally ill and is supported by Ruma Abedona Australia, of which we are members, and Child in Need Institute (CINI), India, whom I am proud to be Secretary of the Board.
Visit to CINI
Our visit to CINI commenced with an introduction to senior members of their team at the Pailan office. Unfortunately, we could not meet the C.E.O., Dr. Indrani Bhattacharya, as she was busy preparing for her son’s wedding. However, the management team and unit heads spoke about their work and various projects. We then shared a meal sponsored by our team in Perth (Perth Well-Wishers for Kolkata). We finished the day by spending time with the training unit, headed by Mitun Bose.

Day 2: Amar Bari & Boys’ Day Shelter
On the second day, we visited the girls’ home in Amar Bari, where we presented a harmonium (an Indian musical instrument). The music teacher and the children were overjoyed and immediately sang songs, accompanied by the teacher playing the harmonium. It was a wonderful experience for us. The cost of the harmonium was covered by our group in Perth.

We then visited the boys’ day shelter, where the boys had come for the day to be bathed, fed, and prepared for school. Dressed in neat clothing, they entertained us with dancing and taekwondo—a truly wonderful sight. Unfortunately, we could not meet the two boys we sponsor, as they were sitting for their exams.

After that, we went to the railway station and met Babu Dey, the CINI unit head. There, we witnessed the rescue of a nine-year-old girl who had been sleeping at the station for three nights! She was registered at the CINI booth at the station before being taken to the CINI girls’ shelter.
In the afternoon, we visited adolescent children under the Rambagan Ujjan project. The children impressed us with their aspirations—one child, who had lost a parent to HIV, wanted to become an IAS officer, while another aspired to be a human rights lawyer.

Later, we walked through the ten-lane red-light area, where we spoke to a sex worker who shared her story. She was a single mother with three young children—an incredibly touching moment. Sutapa Dey from CINI translated the stories, helping us understand the struggles these women face to survive.

Day 3: IICCHA Project & Village Visit
On the third day, we visited the IICCHA project, where Dr. Rumeli Das and Suctindra explained their program. We met several young adults whose parents were living with HIV/AIDS and saw the distribution of food items and vocational training.

Later, we visited a shanty home in a village, where we met several beneficiaries involved in skill development programs, such as tailoring. We also met a mother of two children who was infected with AIDS but on medication (her husband was also on AIDS medication). We were informed that the village does not know about their medical condition due to fear of stigma. If their condition were discovered, they could be expelled from the village.
Please watch the 9-minute video sent to us by Dr. Rumeli Das:
Day 4: 1,000 Days Programme & Medical Center Visit
On the fourth day, we met with a team working on the 1,000 Days Programme (Dr. Sawti Chakroborty, Mitun Mondal, and Naresh). Our visit to the Amader Bari Medical Center was enlightening. We saw a baby being weighed and measured, after which her mother was advised that the child was suffering from malnutrition.
We also had the opportunity to meet the accounts team, and we were impressed with their meticulous record-keeping.

We are grateful to Mrs. Kakoli Dey and Pradyut for organising our program and accompanying us on various visits.
We feel blessed to have experienced the love and dedication of the CINI team in India. It was a heartwarming and unforgettable journey.
Raj & Jas
Family Fun Day Fundraiser Hosted by Perth Well Wishers
Join us for a morning full of FUN fundraising!
Come along to a wonderful Family Fun Day on 23rd March 2025, from 9:30 am to 12 noon! Help Perth Well Wishers to raise funds and support CINI Australia’s programs in West Bengal, India.
There will be Kids Games, Sausage Sizzle, Face painting & much more for your family to enjoy. Tickets: Adults: $20, Children: $10.
We look forward to seeing you at the Whitford Nodes Park, Hillary’s. Free parking available.
Thank You for Your Support
If you can’t join the event but would like to support our programs, please visit the CINI Australia GiveNow page to make a donation. For more information, please feel free to contact us by emailing admin@ciniaustralia.org.